A world without ice – Geopolitical imagination or a vision for the future?

Organized by Northern Research Forum (NRF) and University of Akureyri 11. September 2017

Focus will be on visions of a world without ice. A geopolitical imagination? Or an imminent reality? 

Saturday, October 14, 16:00 - 17:30

Although already envisioned as a source of new economic opportunities can we imagine a world without ice? What will the environmental and social consequences of a disappearing ice be? What will the biggest challenges and opportunities be? What is the interrelationship between society and nature, in environmental and cultural contexts? How will communities be impacted? Is ice a material thing, or does it have intrinsic value? Is ‘Industrial civilization’ willing and able to commit to reducing emissions? Can we halt the process of a melting ice? Or is it too little, too late?


  • Salla Kalliojärvi, University of Lapland: The United Nations Security Council and Climate Change: Preparing for an iceless future.

  • Violetta Gassiy, Kuban State University

  • Suzanne Dunn, University of Ottawa: Digital access in the north: Rights, risks, and opportunities for young people. (TBC)


Guðrún Rósa Þórsteinsdóttir director of University of Akureyri Research Centre and the Northern Research Forum Secretariat.