Adapting power production to a changing climate

Organized by Landsvirkjun, the National Power Company of Iceland 29. September 2017

Iceland produces electricity exclusively from renewable resources, with no connection to other systems. Over 70% of Icelandic power is produced from hydro resources and climate change is already affecting utilization rates. 

Friday, October 13, 13:00 - 14:00
Location: Silfurberg, Second Level

For the past 30 years, Landsvirkjun and the University of Iceland’s Institute of Earth Sciences have researched Iceland’s glaciers in order to assess and understand how they change with altering weather conditions. How prepared are we to adapt to changing conditions? Does climate change threaten the resilience and reliability of Iceland’s hydropower system or are there potential opportunities for increased energy production?  Are there lessons to be learned by other subarctic communities with isolated, heavily renewable power systems?


  • Marco Braun, Ouranos- Responding to the Inevitable: Building Climate Resilience into the Energy Sector
  • Úlfar Linnet: How Climate Affects Renewable Energy Production in Iceland
  • Ragna Árnadóttir: Decision Making in an Uncertain Future: Climate Change and its Effect on System Planning