Beyond COP21: The Arctic and Global Climate Diplomacy

Organized by The Office of Senator André Gattolin, Vice-Chair of the European Affairs Committee, Senate of France 16. October 2015

The Arctic has become for politicians from all over the world the region where climate change has to be witnessed. Denmark's climate diplomacy prior to COP15 demonstrated it with numerous visits of politicians to Ilulissat, Greenland. The Arctic is also highlighted as part of France's climate diplomacy prior to COP21 and will undoubtedly remain a key to global climate diplomacy.

Climate change has brought a new dimension into international relations and is shaking things up between global powers. Traditional diplomacy is adapting to a century where climate change will by far be the main challenge. While China and the United States are competitors when it comes to defence, the economy or influencing the world, they have common interests on climate change.

By gathering not only G7/G8 countries but also powers such as China or India, the Arctic region has a key role to play in the 21st century


  • André Gattolin, MP, Vice-Chair of the European Affairs Committee, Senate of France: Confronting the traditional diplomacy to the climate change imperative: the case of the Arctic.
  • Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Member of the Icelandic Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee, former Icelandic Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Nordic Cooperation 2009-2013: How do we make Arctic policy making exemplary
  • Jørgen Niclasen, Member of the Faroese Parliament; Faroese Minister for Fisheries 1993-2003, Foreign Affairs 2008-2011, Finance 2011-2015; Member of the West Nordic Council: Do national parliaments have a role in Arctic climate diplomacy? The case of the West Nordic Council
  • Unnur Brá Konráðsdóttir, Member of the Icelandic Parliament: Do national parliaments have a role in Arctic climate diplomacy? The case of the West Nordic Council
  • Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen, Professor, Barents Chair in Politics, University of Tromsø-the Arctic University of Norway: Knowledge in global governance: the case of climate.


  • Damien Degeorges, PhD, Consultant, Degeorges Consulting ehf.