Blue Growth in the Arctic – High North Series

Organized by the High North Center, Nord University, Bodø; The Arctic Institute, Washington DC; and the Institute of the North, Anchorage, Alaska, Washington DC 13. September 2017

This session will explore and examine the potential of “blue” growth, meaning growth in the Arctic concerned with, or driven by, the maritime domain. This does not only include maritime industries (fisheries, oil and gas, shipping, etc.), but also societies and communities living by and off the ocean.

Friday, October 13, 17:45 - 19:15
Location: Ríma B, Ground Level

We will discuss opportunities for growth in maritime industries, across Arctic regions and states. Panelists will come from both academia and industry, with different approaches to the same questions. These include: What is the potential going forward for maritime communities? What are current trends in maritime industries and what are barriers to growth? How do we regulate, govern and secure our use of the blue domain, as activity patterns and climate change? What role do politics and business hold going forward?

Structure: Each speaker is given approx. 3-5 minutes, followed by discussion/ Q&A.


  • Odd Jarl Borch, Professor, Nord University Business School: Safety challenges and emergency preparedness gaps in the High North
  • Elana Wilson Rowe, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI): Maritime Growth: Politics or Business or both
  • Nils Andreassen, Executive Director, Institute of the North: The Alaskan State of the Arctic
  • Ida Pinnerød, Mayor, Bodø Municipality: Smart cities in the Arctic: the case of Bodø
  • Felix Tschudi, Chairman and Owner Tschudi Group and chairman of Centre of High North Logistics: Arctic shipping
  • Alexandra Middleton, Assistant Professor, University of Oulu: Business Index North - How to Measure Growth
  • Frode Mellemvik, High North Center, Nord University: Barriers to and opportunities for Arctic Growth
  • Andreas Østhagen, Doctoral Research Fellow, Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Norway & PhD-candidate, University of British Columbia, Canada: Cooperation across borders: the maritime dimension


Arne O. Holm, Editor in chief, High North News