Brazil and the Sustainability of the Arctic

Organized by SE2T International, Ltd. 15. October 2015

International relations in the Arctic are of keen interest to Brazil. In particular, the partial opening of the Arctic Ocean to commercial navigation, easier access to oil, gas, and minerals, fisheries, and tourism have created among Brazilians a keen interest in the sustainability of the Arctic and in becoming an Observer of the Arctic Council.

This Panel will highlight Brazil's interests in the Arctic and provide a broad and speculative vision of the benefits of Brazilian cooperation in the Arctic from economic, social and environmental points of view.


  • Sergio C. Trindade, President, SE2T International: The Arctic, Antarctic, and global relevance of Brazil.
  • Jefferson Simões, Professor, Head, Brazilian National Institute for Cryospheric Sciences, and Enoil de Souza Júnior, M.Sc. Candidate, Polar and Climate Center, Geosciences Center, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil): Brazilian interests in the Arctic: From environmental sciences to international relations. 
  • Ieda Gomes, Director, Energix Strategy Ltd (UK); Senior Adviser, Fundação Getúlio Vargas Energia (Brazil): Brazil, the Arctic, and Energy.
  • Carolina Freire, Professor of Animal Physiology, Physiology of Aquatic Animals, Federal University of Paraná: Potential contributions of the Brazilian scientific community to the evaluation of global biodiversity impacts of climate change in the Arctic.


  • Sergio C. Trindade, President, SE2T International