Global Challenges – Local Solutions: Regional Adaptation to Global Changes in the Arctic

Organized by the Northern Forum, Arctic Portal, University of the Arctic, and the International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry 16. October 2015

The Arctic is warming at a rate of almost twice the global average, providing an early indication for the rest of the world of the significance of climate change. The changes affect global climate, sea level, biodiversity, and many aspects of social and economic systems. Climate change in the Arctic thus deserves and requires urgent attention by decision makers and publics worldwide. Globalization in the Arctic also affects indigenous societies and other populations of the circumpolar North, creating a need to develop local and regional adaptation plans and coordinate them with national and international strategies.

This breakout session will discuss local adaptation strategies and plans, and possibilities for joint efforts to address these challenges on regional, national and international levels. How should regional leaders develop policies regarding the sustainable development of business, infrastructure, local societies, social welfare, and culture?

The Northern Forum is an international organization, which for more than 20 years has united leaders of northern regions to improve quality of life and support sustainable development in the North.

Topics of discussions:

  • Interregional Cooperation in the North and Adaptation to Climate Change
  • Impacts and Consequences of Climate Change on the Regional Level in the Arctic
  • Indigenous Peoples and Globalization in the Arctic
  • Arctic Youth: Navigation Towards Sustainability through New Approaches for Addressing Arctic Climate Change and Globalization
  • Possible Cooperation of Northern Regions with Arctic Council AACA Project
  • Improving the Quality of Life in the North
  • Global Changes in Biodiversity and Environment – Local Solutions


  • Egor Borisov, President of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), Chair of the Northern Forum, Russia
  • Eiríkur Björn Björgvinsson, Mayor of Akureyri, Iceland
  • Timo Rautajoki, President of the Lapland Chamber of Commerce, Finland
  • Lars Kullerud, President of UArctic
  • Robert Corell, Principal, Lead of Center for Energy and Climate Solutions, Global Environment and Technology Foundation; Senior Faculty Fellow, Florida International University; Professor II, University of the Arctic (Norway)
  • Igor Anatolevich Orlov, Governor of Arkhangelsk Oblast, Russia


  • Vladimir Vasiliev, Minister of Federal Relations and External Affairs of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
  • Halldór Jóhannsson, General Director of Arctic Portal