Maine Business and The Arctic - Building Academic Exchange

Organized by the Maine Department of Transportation 5. October 2017

Saturday, October 14, 11:20 - 12:20
Location: Háaloft, Eighth Level


  • Glenn Cummings, President, University of Southern Maine: Academic Exchange: University of Southern Maine to Reykjavik University
  • Barry Costa-Pierce, Chair, Department of Marine Science, University of New England: A New North Atlantic Education: Training Program in Ocean Food Systems
  • Jay Friedlander, Professor, College of the Atlantic: Maine and the Arctic: Creating Solutions through Academic Exchange
  • Ögmundur Knútsson, Dean, The School of Business and Science, University of Akureyr: The Global Fishing Village: The Need for Education and Networking
  • Ari Jónson, President, Reykjavik University: Academic Exchange: Reykjavik University to University of Southern Maine


John Henshaw, President, North Atlantic Ports Association.