Needs and Opportunities: Perspectives for Reducing Harmful Emissions from International Shipping in the Arctic and Beyond

Organized by the European Climate Foundation 17. October 2015


  • Alyson Azzara, Senior Maritime Advisor, U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System: Direct and Indirect Impacts on the Arctic from International Shipping.
  • Laura H. Strickler, Arctic Program Officer, Clean Air Task Force: Global Leadership from the Arctic: The Role of the Arctic Council in Sustainable Shipping – the Case for an Arctic Ban on Heavy Fuel Oil.
  • John Buckingham, Chief Mechanical Engineer, BMT Defence Services Ltd.: Fuels, Engines and BC Abatement Technologies: What do we know and what might the options be?
  • John Maggs: Beyond BC and the Arctic: Prospects for Reducing Shipping's Climate Impacts: a Policy Perspective.
  • Bernice Notenboom, Climate journalist, science writer, documentary maker and professional adventurer: The view from the ground.

"Emissions from International Shipping: Recent Trends and Future Scenarios"

  • Global Trends: John Maggs, President, Clean Shipping Coalition; Senior Policy Advisor, Seas At Risk
  • Arctic Trends: Alyson Azzara, Senior Maritime Advisor, U.S. Committee on the Marine Transportation System


  • Charlotte Inglis, Senior Associate, European Climate Foundation