Regional cross-boarder cooperation in the Arctic in a challenging geopolitical context
Organized by Troms County Council, Norway 14. September 2017
All the Arctic states, including Russia, have seemingly buffered circumpolar cooperation from broader geopolitical tensions. The Arctic becomes the glue that keeps the world together, the place where the dialogue continues.
Saturday, October 14, 16:00 - 17:30
Location: Akrafjall, Fourth Level
The most often raised question now is whether the Arctic dialogue, the Arctic partnership, is robust enough to withstand the conflicts that play out in other parts of the world.
In this session, we want to have a closer look at the dynamics of cross-border relations in the Arctic on the national and regional levels, focusing mostly on the relations between Norway and Russia. We want to share our experience on how regional cross-border cooperation not only addresses the goals set for regional development but also provides important arenas for the dialogue between the Arctic states.
- Knut-Eirik Dybdal, CEO, Arctic Race of Norway
- Kristin Røymo, The mayor of the City of Tromsø,
- Maria Utsi, director of Arctic Arts Festival and co-founder of Arctic Arts Summit
- Marina Krasilnikova, Living Standards research director, Analytical Center of Yuri Levada (Levada-Center, Moscow, Russia)
- Willy Ørnebakk, chair of the Troms County Government.
- Kjell Dragnes, former Foreign Editor of Aftenposten, Norway
- Anne Husebekk, Rector UiT, Tromsø University
- Hilde Sandvik, board member of Amedia