Supporting Sustainable Northern Coastal Communities

Organized by Newfoundland and Labrador and Memorial University, UArctic, and Univeristy of Tromsø – the Arctic University of Norway 13. September 2017

Coastal communities in the Arctic and across the North Atlantic Rim understand the impact of climate change deeply. There is a host of related impacts that pose fundamental challenges to the very fabric of life in these regions. Food, transportation, culture, sense of place, and social relationships: all are being affected.

Saturday, October 14, 08:00 - 09:00
Location: Björtuloft, Fifth Level 

Resilience is a way of life in these regions (it always has been); however, the pace of change has quickened, making challenges harder to address. The evolving reality facing Northern coastal communities is increasingly complex and must be addressed with innovative, collaborative approaches that emphasize the knowledge, needs, perspectives, and goals of local people.
Presenters will share their experience undertaking university-community collaboration. From there, participants will work together to identify and discuss existing models for addressing key sustainability issues, and consider new ideas and concepts to help support community-directed and community-engaged research in the North.


  • Rob Greenwood, Executive Director, Public Engagement and the Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development, Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: Thriving Communities: The Sustainable Northern and Coastal Communities Initiative
  • Anne Husebekk, Rector, University of Tromsø, Arctic University of Norway, Tromso, Norway: Humans in the Arctic Matter!
  • Lars Kullerud, President, University of the Arctic, Arendal city, Norway
  • Sheila Downer, Strategic Northern Liaison, Public Engagement and Labrador Institute, Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada: Thriving Communities: The Sustainable Northern and Coastal Communities Initiative


  • Ashlee Cunsolo, Director, the Labrador Institute, Memorial University, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada