The Nordic Universities’ role in the New Arctic
Organized by AAU Arctic, Aalborg University 7. September 2017
The proposed breakout session will present the conclusions from a researcher forum arranged by The Nordic Universities Association (Nordisk Universitets Samarbejde) on the topic of the Nordic Universities role in shaping the new Arctic.
Friday, October 13, 16:25 – 17:55
Location: Esja, Fifth Level
The forum will take place on October
The session will be structured according to the focus areas of the researcher forum, with five presentations on the role of the Nordic Universities in relation to, what is considered to be five grand challenges in the Arctic.
- Per Michael, Rector Aalborg University, Chair of the board of Nordic Universities Association: Opening remark
- Anne Husebekk, Rector UiT, Tromsø University: Sustainable business development
- Timo Koivurova, Director of Arctic Centre in Finland, University of Lapland: Climate and environmental protection
- Lill Rastad Bjørst, Research Coordinator, AAU Arctic: Robust and independent welfare communities
- Anne Merrild Hansen, Ilisimatusarfik, Professor at Ilisimatusarfik, University of Greenland: Education and cooperation
Henrik Halkjær, Dean of the faculty of Humanities at Aalborg University and head of the board of AAU Arctic